This sweet, tender hearted kiddo turned 10 yesterday.
Double digits.
I just can't even.
When I think of where we were 10 years ago.
When we weren't even sure we'd get 10 minutes with him, let alone 10 days, week, months, years....
When he was so fragile, already struggling to breathe and they were whisking him away to stabilize him.
When I think of all the scary moments in the 10 years since then.
The multiple codes, the health scares, the surgeries, the setbacks, the sudden onset of heart failure, the nights in the hospital.
So many moments where 10 years old seemed like too much to hope for, too much to expect to be blessed with. So many dear heart friends who didn't get 10 years.
And yet here we are, celebrating a whole decade with this little fireball of a human being we're blessed to call ours.
I don't know how we got so lucky.
When I started to tell him how, if you had told me 10 years ago, we'd be sitting here, I'd have cried tears of happiness, he just rolled his eyes and said "Moooooommmm, can we not talk about that please???"
So we won't. We'll just tell you that this kid is kinda awesome.
Our beloved neighbor Denise made the trek all the way down from LA to surprise Bodie!
I seriously don't have enough words to thank Denise for everything she has been to our family, and everything she has done for us! We love her so much and the kids were over the moon to see her.
Bodie is currently obsessed with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series (and I'm obsessed with anything that will get this kid reading).
So we decided to celebrate Wimpy Kid style, with a few friends over.
The kids helped decorate "Cheese Touch" cupcakes.
Wonder of wonders, Bodie has already been blessed with some very sweet connections in the form of some incredible boys who were happy to celebrate with him...
And indulge his desire to "read" his Wimpy Kid books for the picture
Last night, I asked Bodie whether Dusk and I had been right in predicting that he'd meet nicer boys to befriend down in San Diego than he had in LA. His response? "No, I haven't met nicer friends. I've met the nicest friends." He'll tell you that his favorite birthday gifts were the crossbow he received, or the Harry Potter Lego set. But if you ask me, I think his new friends have been the best gift by far.
You know, one of the most universal truths about having a medically fragile kiddo is that every milestone is huge. Even the ones that wouldn't normally be.
But this one?
Hitting double digits.
That's a big milestone in anyone's book.
Just maybe a bit more epic in this kiddo's case.