Tuesday, September 3, 2024

From a father’s eyes

I have been so privileged to have had a front row seat to watching Bodie’s extraordinary healing over the past few weeks, but Dusk hadn’t gotten to see it. Words can only tell you so much. We were lucky enough to have him spend the last few days with us, and what follows are his words describing the experience…

But before we get to that, BIG news! As of last Monday, Bodie has been NG TUBE FREE!!!

Yes, you read that right! Today, I happily dropped off all of the remaining formula and tube supplies at the Ronald Mcdonald House for another family to get the benefit of!

(We had been holding this big news in because Bodie wanted to surprise Dusk with it when he got here – and surprise him he did!)


It’s been a long summer. I think I can speak for the four of us and say we’re spent. What started as a simple trip to Stanford for cardiac follow up turned into a terrifying experience.

It’s safe to say we are officially on the other side of transplant. We owe a great deal of gratitude to the million+ who experienced Bodie’s procedure with us and prayed for him during his darkest moments. Bodie is doing remarkably well up here in Belmont and his recovery is nothing less than miraculous.

I flew up to spend a bit of time with them and let me be the first to tell you this kiddo has transformed. He wasn’t a strong kid to begin with and when I saw him last he could barely walk around the block so imagine my surprise when I walked over 8 MILES with him chasing Pokémon up and down the coast!

I kept asking him if he felt tired or out of breath and he said ‘No, but I can’t feel my legs or feet anymore.’ That was about mile 5ish. We just kept walking. It took us about 4 hours.

The next day, we caught a movie and then (expecting his muscles to be really sore) we went to Half Moon Bay to take it easy. He ended up walking in the surf for 4 miles before deciding to leave

Needless to say the nurse at his appointment this morning was just as surprised when she found out reiterating, ‘he walked it all at once?’ Yup.

In addition to looking great, having a real energy, weight gain, and his vocal paresis is starting to wear off, you can carry a conversation with him now. In fact, when I got off the plane he surprised me at the airport with a missing NG tube! He’s eating and drinking unregulated now. All of this a serious answer to prayer.

Next week the plan is to have his 3 month cath lab visit and if all goes well he will be discharged to home. Amy has already started plans to pack for imminent departure.

So, it seems likely they could be back home before next Saturday, putting an end to a very trying summer. Fingers crossed that he does well this week and comes in strong enough to fly through his Cath and IVIG treatment next week!
