I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've updated the blog!!! Suffice it to say, COVID has us all sorts of disorganized and upside down over here. Thankfully, we've all remained healthy, but let's just say the jury is still out on whether the Bennett four actually enjoy one another's company enough to be together quite this much...
The good news is that this little dude is doing GREAT.
Since the spring, he's been seen by his team at CHLA twice and his team at Stanford once. Our last appointment with CHLA was just last week, and both teams are really happy with how well his heart is holding up. His function continues to be depressed, but only mildly so (quite an improvement from when he first went into heart failure, to be sure!). His BNP (measure of heart inflammation) continues to be low, and he's riding his pacemaker 90% of the the time (which is music to our ears - when he's not riding his pacemaker, he's in funky rhythms, so we want him riding that thing as much as possible!).
He sees his CHLA team every 6 months, and his Stanford team annually. We're grateful to be in this time of stability and are grateful for every day Bodie gets to remain this stable - we're hoping for a long time in this stage!
It's hard to believe we've been at this heart failure dance for 4 years now. The picture on the left was taken the day he was initially diagnosed with heart failure; the pic on the right, with the same Vader, was taken last week.
Can I call it a dance? Man, if it's a dance, it's like the horrible awkward Junior High dance that no one actually wants to go to.
But I digress. He's doing great.
He's loving horseback riding, taking weekly lessons. He's even been kind enough to allow me to join him on trail rides this year, and I'm loving our time together.
And this girl is doing great, too!
She's growing like a weed - although I still have a couple inches on her (I think!), I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with the fact that she's looking me right in the eye these days! She just donated her hair again (for the 3rd time!), and continues to impress us all with her beautiful singing voice (definitely inherited Dusk's musical talent).
We continue to be so grateful for your support and prayers for Bodie!!!!