Bodie had his 4 month transplant clinic appointment at Stanford this morning, complete with an echo, blood draw, visits with multiple practitioners and a flu shot. Thankfully, all looks great and this heart really seems to like its new home with Bodie!
He even got approval to have his 5 month appointment be done virtually, which means we don’t have to come back up until December! (The transplant team at LPCH is going to try and coordinate for him to have an echo done in November at Rady’s, which will give us a great opportunity to meet the team down in San Diego. Although LPCH will continue to be our main transplant care center, we will be switching from CHLA to Rady’s for any local care needs. We’ll miss CHLA so much, but Rady’s is so much closer and it just makes more sense for where Bodie’s at in his journey.)
Bodie’s appointments were done by late morning, but our scheduled flight back wasn’t until this evening. So we took the opportunity to regain one of what I have dubbed our “stolen moments” from this past summer.
When we came up here in June for what we thought were just 2 days of routine appointments at Stanford, I had planned a mini vacation out of it. I had purchased tickets to the Winchester Mystery House and Alcatraz, and we were so excited. We obviously didn’t end up doing either of those things, and both of the organizations were so kind and refunded me the ticket price with no issues whatsover. We were so grateful.
So when we unexpectedly found ourselves with free time today, I could think of no more fitting thing to do than go to the Winchester Mystery House.

The visit was SO fun and Bodie had a blast. It was especially fun because it’s Halloween season, so there are lots of extra decorations out to make it even more eerie.

For Bodie, a horror aficionado, it was a fun afternoon of delving into his favorite subject.

For me, it was so much more.
It was the culmination of a moment I wasn’t certain would ever come.

It may have taken us 4 months to get here. But man, was it worth every moment.

Alcatraz, get ready – we’re coming for you next.
(Ok, not quite yet. Because we’re currently stuck in a hotel by the San Jose airport. Apparently it’s foggy in San Diego, so flights were canceled left and right tonight. After delay after delay, then cancellations of all but the last flight out, we just asked them to put us on a flight tomorrow morning. Hoping the fog has cleared by then. But in the grand scheme of things, I’m ok with a little fog. After all, that’s just a little inconvenience. If that’s what keeps us up here, and not Bodie’s health, I’ll take that any day!)
Thank you SO MUCH for your continued prayers for Bodie! It’s only because of them that he is doing as well as he is. We are so grateful for the army of warriors praying for our sweet boy!
And as you’re remembering Bodie in your prayers, will you also please pray for our friend Alex? Bodie and I met Alex and his dear mom in the teen playroom (when Alex’s mom had dragged Alex and I had dragged Bodie to the teen room for arts and crafts). Alex had a heart and liver transplant 2 months ago and has faced hurdle after hurdle in his recovery. His body needs a break and he deserves to enjoy life with these beautiful new organs. Please blanket him in prayer – for strength for his body, for wisdom for the doctors, and peace for his mama.