Months ago, when I was approached about Bodie being the honorary captain of the Mustangs for a game this Fall, my first reaction was to be incredibly humbled. And my second reaction was "what about Sierra?" What an incredible experience for Bodie, to be sure. But so not fair to Sierra for him to get to experience something like that without her getting to be involved somehow. Yes, he is the one who has been through the actual surgeries, the procedures, the hospital stays. But at just 6 1/2, her life, her world has been every bit as much altered by the whole experience. It was important to me that we honor her as well.
I was nervous to ask the question. I didn't want to look greedy, like I was asking for too much, expecting too much. But bless the hearts of Jody Walsh and the entire Cal Poly football community, because they didn't just say "yes," they jumped on board and gave Sierra the most incredible experience all of her own! I had hoped that perhaps she could just meet the cheerleaders, but she not only met them, she got to watch them practice, lead them down the hill, hang out with them both before the game and at 1/2 time, and even do 2 stunts with them! And they gave her her very own Cal Poly pom pons, a special matching bow, a backpack, a Cal Poly shirt and a Cal Poly cheer shirt. She was blown away by how nice everyone was, and I could tell she truly felt like she was the star of the show.
Her experience so far exceeded my expectations when I asked the simple question of whether she could be involved, that I cannot even tell you.
She was blown away.
I was in tears.
It is one thing for people to give to a sick child. It is another thing entirely for them to give to a child who otherwise looks healthy.
It is one thing for people to give to a sick child. It is another thing entirely for them to give to a child who otherwise looks healthy.
Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart, for involving our sweet girl in such a spectacular way.
Sierra and the cheerleaders leading the entire march down the hill.
She was SO excited. I love this picture, because you can see her beaming ear to ear and actually lifting her pom pons and cheering.
Chatting with a fellow cheerleader. She was SO proud to be there.
Huddling with the cheerleaders.
What an incredible moment for the both of us!
The compassion and love shown by the cheerleaders toward Sierra just blew me away. One of the seniors took Sierra under her wing, showing her how to hold the sign just right...
And teaching her a Cal Poly cheer...
Stunting with the entire squad. I don't think Sierra will ever forget that night.
Bodie, Sierra and I, after the game with head football coach Tim Walsh and his amazing wife, Jody, without whom NONE of this would have been possible.
THANK YOU, Tim and Jody, and the entire Cal Poly football community for making this once in a lifetime experience possible for our family! We are unspeakably grateful!