Bodie Isaac Bennett was born on February 16, 2010. He had his first open heart surgery, the Norwood, on February 22, spending 5 weeks in the hospital before coming home. He was home 3 weeks before being readmitted to the ER for low oxygen saturations. On April 26th, he had his second open heart surgery, a takedown of his sano shunt, and addition of a bt shunt and pacemaker. He flew through recovery, returning home a mere 2 weeks later! 4 days later, he was readmitted to the hospital for blood in his stool. He then spent 66 days in the hospital, battling c-diff, parainfluenza and MRSA (medically resistant staph). He finally came home July 21st, at 5 months old!
He then spent almost 2 months at home before having his bi-directional Glenn surgery on September 13th, 2010, returning home just 5 days after surgery!!! He then had a period of surgery-free between his Glenn and his Fontan, where he just got to grow and thrive.
On August 13, 2013, at 3½ years old, Bodie had his (extra cardiac fenestrated) Fontan surgery. Although the surgery itself went well, they were unable to replace his pacemaker during surgery as planned. As a result, they had to re-open his sternum to replace his pacemaker 4 days later. Even so, despite having 2 sternotomies in 4 days, he was still discharged at 8 days post-Fontan!
His post-Fontan period was rocky, and he suffered from low oxygen saturations, an external pacemaker site infection (that required iv antibiotics for 6 weeks, most of which were administered at home via picc line) and persistent arythmias. In April of 2014 his anti-arythmia med was changed and in May of 2014 his fenestration was closed via cardiac catheterization. Both of these interventions significantly improved his quality of life and solved many of his medical issues, thankfully.
Today, Bodie is a silly, smart and thriving 5-year old little boy who loves life and is beyond excited to be starting Kindergarten in the Fall!
On August 13, 2013, at 3½ years old, Bodie had his (extra cardiac fenestrated) Fontan surgery. Although the surgery itself went well, they were unable to replace his pacemaker during surgery as planned. As a result, they had to re-open his sternum to replace his pacemaker 4 days later. Even so, despite having 2 sternotomies in 4 days, he was still discharged at 8 days post-Fontan!
His post-Fontan period was rocky, and he suffered from low oxygen saturations, an external pacemaker site infection (that required iv antibiotics for 6 weeks, most of which were administered at home via picc line) and persistent arythmias. In April of 2014 his anti-arythmia med was changed and in May of 2014 his fenestration was closed via cardiac catheterization. Both of these interventions significantly improved his quality of life and solved many of his medical issues, thankfully.
Today, Bodie is a silly, smart and thriving 5-year old little boy who loves life and is beyond excited to be starting Kindergarten in the Fall!
Despite Bodie's rough start, he is amazing. He continues to inspire us and we are grateful every day that God chose to bless us with Bodie. We believe strongly in the power of prayer and ask for you to lift Bodie and our entire family up in your prayers. We know that God has a plan in all of this and ask for peace as He uses us and this situation to his glory.
***Over the course of the last 5 years, in addition to Bodie's medical issues, Dusk (Bodie's father) has had both of his hips replaced (at 39 years old), an ICD placed (at 40) and a cardiac arrest (at 41 years old), our home was burglarized and we lost our home to a house fire. The fact that all of these things happened (and are simply included in a footnote to Bodie's story) is our living, breathing testimony to the wonder of God's love and His healing hand of protection over our family. It is 100% through our faith that we have made it through. ***