My Mom Nancy: I posted a while back that she had a breast cancer reocurrence, but that the surgeon was able to do a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy. They thought the surgery was successful, but they found out a week or so later that they had not gotten clean margins on the tumors, so would have to go back in. Because she has now had breast cancer in both breasts and there is such a high risk of getting it again, my mom is going in tomorrow for a bilateral mastectomy. Please pray for wisdom for the surgeons while performing the surgery (a 5 hour procedure) and both emotional and physical strength for my mom following the procedure.
Dusk: Dusk has had reocurring ear pain and related dizziness for the past 6 months or so. He finally got his doctor to pay attention enough to refer him to specialist, who he saw today. The specialist ordered an MRI for tomorrow morning. Please pray that the MRI will provide conclusive results and that the outcome is something simple that can be corrected (like an electrolyte imbalance) and not something much more grave (like a tumor).
Wyatt: I've been asking for prayer for Wyatt for some time. He's one of Bodie's heart buddies and had his Glenn in early July. He had numerous complications post surgery, but looked to be doing much better. Then, last week, he started desatting in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Since they couldn't figure it out, they sent him to the cath lab yesterday morning. He had complications and once again, his parents were asked to decide whether to put him on ecmo or to let him go. His parents are continuing to fight on for sweet Wyatt and he is now back on ecmo. Please pray for his little body to fight strong and hard and for him to come off ecmo soon and be on the road to recovery. Please also pray for strength for his parents.
Jacob: Jacob is another of Bodie's heart buddies and he is going in for his Glenn next week. His cath is scheduled for next Tuesday and the surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. He is already at the hospital (his surgeries are in Philadelphia at CHOP) and has a number of consultations and tests to be done between now and then. Please pray that all goes well (especially his pulmonology consult) and his surgery is a success. Pray that he has no complications and comes home quickly!
And, prayer for Bodie, Dusk, Sierra and I as we adjust to life at home. Life is so unbelievably sweet at home with Bodie. He is such a good, happy baby - and Sierra is loving being a big sister and getting to help out with everything baby related. But it's so hard with the next surgery looming so freaking close on the horizon (and yet, not knowing just how close it may be). The doctors have said their goal is for Bodie to make it 1-2 months at home before the Glenn. And just since coming home, he's really thriving. He's grown almost a pound (and 2 teeth, along with another 1 or 2 about to burst through, but who's counting? Oh that's right, all of us in our household, especially poor Bodie...) But the second something happens (he throws up his meds, or he desats), I totally freak out and it's almost like I shut down and can't function. I totally obsess over whatever it is that I think is wrong. I think it's honestly probably a type of PTSD and probably pretty expected given what we've been through. (Other heart moms who read my blog, have any of you gone through this? Just curious.) At any rate, I could use prayer to just keep a grip on things and remember that God is STILL in control of everything and I don't have to be. And please pray that Bodie stays stable so that he can stay home for a bit. He's satting lower tonight and I know that as he starts to sat lower, the Glenn will be closer and closer in his future. We expected it to come quickly, but not quite this quickly. Pray that he stays stable and can stay home a bit longer.
Oh, and so that I'm not accused of being a total Debbie Downer, here's a few sweet pics of Bodie enjoying "life on the outside":
His very first time in a swing at the park (and clearly loving it) - and yes, that is drool in the second pic!

Mr. Serious