After the most incredible summer, with more packed it than our past 3 summers combined, today was officially back to school for these 2 silly kiddos.
I'm not one of those moms who counts down the days till her kids go back to school, and drops them off with a huge sigh of relief that school is back in session. Nah. I'm one of those moms who sends them off wistfully, wishing we could have just one more week of summer, just one more late night movie followed by a lazy morning in our pi's, just one more snuggle. Of course we had our moments where they were pushing me over.the.edge, but I loved having them home. I love the laughter, the closeness, the time spent seeing what is going on in their little minds. I don't love sending them away from me, and I certainly don't love the commute to get them there! But I love how excited they are to see their friends, to learn, to experience life - and, to do what kids do best. GROW. And we are so, so blessed that our children have the opportunity to do just that.
If they could do it just a little bit more slowly, my mama's heart could do this whole 1st day of school thing a little easier. :-)
Beautiful children