I just wanted to send a huge shout out to my mom for coming down to help us out the last few days!
Sadly, she had to head back home today, but not before basically being our indentured servant for the last few days. In her usual fashion, she drove down here, popped in and started helping immediately. She is amazing. She sees a need and fills it without even asking. In just the past 4 days, she has washed and folded laundry, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, taken the kids to the park, driven all over LA (believe me, that's no big feat - LA traffic bites, to put it mildly) - you name it, she's done it. And all with a smile on her face!
Most of all, she's tried to help out with Bodie and always taken him without question. Here's why that's a big deal. Bodie is a PAIN right now. Because he's teething he literally won't go to ANYONE but me (or occasionally, if he's feeling charitable, Dusk). He will smile and coo and laugh at others, but the second I go to hand him over, the waterworks start. He screams. He gasps. He cries. He struggles. Big, huge, alligator tears streak down his face. Honestly, it is so ridiculous. You would think my mom is pinching him as hard as she possibly can from the way he screams when she holds her. Then, you hand him back to me and he looks at her, looks away and then starts laughing, grinning and coo'ing again. If it didn't make it impossible for me to get anything done, it would be really funny. So, the fact that she kept willingly subjecting herself to his abuse just speaks volumes to how wonderful my mom is.
So THANK YOU mom!!! There are not enough words to express our gratitude for all of the help you have given us this past year. We love you so much and can't wait to see you again! Drive safe!
(Oh, and in related news, we finally got into the orthopedist today and he confirmed I fractured my fifth metatarsal (the long bone that runs along the outside of my foot). I was very lucky that it broke where it did - had it broken a fraction of an inch higher, they'd have casted it and put me on crutches. Are you kidding me? HOW would I have done crutches with 2 little ones? Craziness, I tell you. As it is, I have to ice it daily, limit activity and wear my lovely post-op shoe for approx 8-10 weeks. So much for finally getting back to the gym! At the rate I'm going, this baby weight won't come off until Bodie's about 10 years old! I technically am not supposed to drive, but he kind of left it up to me as to what I can do without too much pain. Luckily, most anywhere I need to go these days is pretty close! Please pray for quick healing and for the pain to go away!)
Sadly, she had to head back home today, but not before basically being our indentured servant for the last few days. In her usual fashion, she drove down here, popped in and started helping immediately. She is amazing. She sees a need and fills it without even asking. In just the past 4 days, she has washed and folded laundry, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, taken the kids to the park, driven all over LA (believe me, that's no big feat - LA traffic bites, to put it mildly) - you name it, she's done it. And all with a smile on her face!
Most of all, she's tried to help out with Bodie and always taken him without question. Here's why that's a big deal. Bodie is a PAIN right now. Because he's teething he literally won't go to ANYONE but me (or occasionally, if he's feeling charitable, Dusk). He will smile and coo and laugh at others, but the second I go to hand him over, the waterworks start. He screams. He gasps. He cries. He struggles. Big, huge, alligator tears streak down his face. Honestly, it is so ridiculous. You would think my mom is pinching him as hard as she possibly can from the way he screams when she holds her. Then, you hand him back to me and he looks at her, looks away and then starts laughing, grinning and coo'ing again. If it didn't make it impossible for me to get anything done, it would be really funny. So, the fact that she kept willingly subjecting herself to his abuse just speaks volumes to how wonderful my mom is.
So THANK YOU mom!!! There are not enough words to express our gratitude for all of the help you have given us this past year. We love you so much and can't wait to see you again! Drive safe!
(Oh, and in related news, we finally got into the orthopedist today and he confirmed I fractured my fifth metatarsal (the long bone that runs along the outside of my foot). I was very lucky that it broke where it did - had it broken a fraction of an inch higher, they'd have casted it and put me on crutches. Are you kidding me? HOW would I have done crutches with 2 little ones? Craziness, I tell you. As it is, I have to ice it daily, limit activity and wear my lovely post-op shoe for approx 8-10 weeks. So much for finally getting back to the gym! At the rate I'm going, this baby weight won't come off until Bodie's about 10 years old! I technically am not supposed to drive, but he kind of left it up to me as to what I can do without too much pain. Luckily, most anywhere I need to go these days is pretty close! Please pray for quick healing and for the pain to go away!)
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