Friday, January 21, 2011

Prayers for Wyatt

I am writing tonight with an urgent prayer request for this little guy: one of Bodie's heart buddies, Wyatt. Wyatt is an adorable 6 month old little guy with HLHS. He had his comprehensive Glenn Wednesday (essentially his Norwood and Glenn in one surgery). Initially, his recovery was astounding - surpassing all expectations. But he started having breathing problems yesterday and it has escalated to full scale complications in the form of a serious blood clot. He has been to the cath lab twice today and they're trying to figure out how to get rid of this stinking clot. They have a lot of factors to weigh, mostly the need for him to clot well at 2 days post-op open heart surgery (cannot risk him bleeding out) against the need to avoid him clotting when he already has a clotting disorder. It's very treacherous ground they're walking right now and the doctors need all the wisdom they can get in how to properly treat sweet Wyatt. Please, please, stop and pray for sweet Wyatt, his doctors and his mom and dad tonight. We know firsthand how scary this stuff is. And blood clots are very scary stuff (can absolutely be fatal), so we really need the docs to figure this out quickly.
Thanks so much.


  1. Dear Wyatt.

    We are praying for you right now and believeing for miracles!

    God Bless You.

    Nairi and family

  2. Keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.
