I have been meaning to post this entry for days, but between hobbling around on a broken foot, playing multiple games of Candyland with Sierra and trying to soothe "Mr. Velcro" who cannot stand to be more than arm's distance away anywhere outside of my arms while trying to cut tooth #9, 10 and 11 all at once (I am convinced he's trying to complete his entire set of teeth in time for his 1st birthday), I haven't found the time. So, I'm afraid this is an overdue post. But better late than never, right? :-)
Dusk's family came to town a few weeks ago - his dad Alan and wife Jan (or, as they're known in these parts, "Popo Alan and Grandma Jan"), and his brother Paul and wife Missy and their 2 sweet girls, Hannah (almost 8) and Amelia (3 weeks younger than Sierra). We had SO MUCH fun!!! Everyone came out to Palm Springs (my parents have a beautiful place in Palm Springs that we love to just go and veg out at) and then we went to Disneyland!!! It was a really wonderful time. Although Jan and Alan had met Bodie twice before, once was when he was still a newborn in the hospital and the 2nd time was the day he came home from the hospital after his Glenn surgery. Neither were exactly opportunities to see Bodie relaxed and happy. So that was really fun. And Paul, Missy and the girls had never met Bodie (and hadn't seen Sierra in 2 years), so it was really wonderful to watch all of them connect! Here are some pics from the fun...
Mr. Chubbers, ready for a swim with cousin Hannah and Popo Alan
Laughing at Popo Alan and Grandma Jan
Popo Alan and Grandma Jan with the grandkids
How cute are these girls???
All of us in our aprons handmade by Grandma Jan - isn't she talented???
Dusk's family came to town a few weeks ago - his dad Alan and wife Jan (or, as they're known in these parts, "Popo Alan and Grandma Jan"), and his brother Paul and wife Missy and their 2 sweet girls, Hannah (almost 8) and Amelia (3 weeks younger than Sierra). We had SO MUCH fun!!! Everyone came out to Palm Springs (my parents have a beautiful place in Palm Springs that we love to just go and veg out at) and then we went to Disneyland!!! It was a really wonderful time. Although Jan and Alan had met Bodie twice before, once was when he was still a newborn in the hospital and the 2nd time was the day he came home from the hospital after his Glenn surgery. Neither were exactly opportunities to see Bodie relaxed and happy. So that was really fun. And Paul, Missy and the girls had never met Bodie (and hadn't seen Sierra in 2 years), so it was really wonderful to watch all of them connect! Here are some pics from the fun...
Mr. Chubbers, ready for a swim with cousin Hannah and Popo Alan
Laughing at Popo Alan and Grandma Jan
Popo Alan and Grandma Jan with the grandkids
How cute are these girls???
All of us in our aprons handmade by Grandma Jan - isn't she talented???
The obligatory Grandparents / crying grandkids pic
Sweet cousins...
Sweet cousins...
Mommy snuggling with sweet Bodie...
Seriously. Up. to. no. good.
SO excited for Disneyland!!! (um...didn't realize the strap on her dress broke until we were already there. I suppose a good mom would have hunted down a safety pin to fix it. Me? Well, if it didn't bother her, why should I let it bother me?)
SO excited for Disneyland!!! (um...didn't realize the strap on her dress broke until we were already there. I suppose a good mom would have hunted down a safety pin to fix it. Me? Well, if it didn't bother her, why should I let it bother me?)
2 little princesses, Sierra and Amelia...so ready for Disneyland!
Outside the castle...
Just like last time, Sierra LOVED the carousel
Bodie was also a BIG fan of the carousel - especially from the comfort of the Ergo!
From the second we walked in, all Sierra could talk about was "where are the princesses? want to see the princesses!!!" Of course, one we got to where the princesses were, she was scared.to.death. wouldn't get near them. Cinderella was kind enough to really try to get Sierra to warm up. It was really sweet.
From the second we walked in, all Sierra could talk about was "where are the princesses? want to see the princesses!!!" Of course, one we got to where the princesses were, she was scared.to.death. wouldn't get near them. Cinderella was kind enough to really try to get Sierra to warm up. It was really sweet.
All in all, it was a wonderful trip. We were so blessed to have our extended family out here and to be able to enjoy the health of of both of our kiddos and their sweet cousins at the Happiest place on earth. :-)
You sure have a beautiful and blessed family! Loads of love to you all!
What a beautiful family!