Monday, February 7, 2011

My Heart Beats Red for Bodie

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone for wearing RED for Bodie on Friday!!! We got so many great pics emailed to us - it's so neat to see where all of our followers and prayer warriors are from! We cannot tell you how it humbled us and just made our hearts swell to hear that so many of you not only took time out of your busy schedules to celebrate Bodie on Friday, but also took the time to email and let me know. :-) What was most touching is that there were people who sent me pictures that we've never even met in person! Thank you so much everyone!

Without further we are...with our hearts beating red for Bodie...

Us out at dinner tonight, celebrating the fact that the flu, for the most part, has moved on (for those interested, yes, it did turn out to be Influenza - YUCK!, and putting Sierra on Tamiflu pretty much got rid of her symptoms in about 24 hours and Bodie and I were able to avoid it altogether, thank God, by taking Tamiflu prophylatically - Daddy, unfortunately, was too far into his symptoms for Tamiflu to help, so he's still suffering through lingering symptoms):

And Bodie fans!!!

Jill Woods, Salt Lake City, UT

Noah & Zoe Schultz (kiddos of awesome parents Jeff & Kellie), Southern California
Jackie & Hayden (fellow heart warrior!) Cech, Nebraska

Marilyn Banducci, Arroyo Grande, CA
"Gigi" Nancy Gerrish, Nipomo, CA
Brian, Anda & Montgomery Palmore, Austin, TX (formerly of Southern California!)

"Popo" Alan & Grandma Jan, Reno, NV

Cousins Hannah & Amelia Bennett, Denver, CO
(is this not the cutest sign EVER???)

Elliana, Jackson, Layla & Savannah Sievers, Lyons, CO
Ned, Mirabella and Milosh (fellow heart warrior!) Chandler
(yesterday was Milosh's 1st birthday - and today is Mirabella's birthday!)

Sierra's BFF Sofia and her awesome mom Valerie and dad Rik Loyola,
Los Angeles, CA

Sierra's beloved "Teacher Juju" and her sweet Elijah Hernandez,
Los Angeles, CA

Erin, Grant, Levi and Annette Fuller, Seattle, CA
(formerly of Southern California -
and truthfully, we're still trying to convince them to move back)!

Jeremiah, Riley and Hailey Welty, Los Angeles, CA (Hailey is one of Bodie's birth buddies - they were born just 2 days apart!)

Colin, Gina and Dylan Watanabe, Pasadena, CA

There were also many of you who told me you wore red, but forgot to take a picture - thank you SO MUCH for thinking of Bodie!!!

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