Friday, March 16, 2012

Project 52.10. Worth the Wait

I was watching the kids play yesterday...wait, let me start again. I was running around trying to get us ready to go out the door while they were playing and suddenly noticed they were suspiciously quiet. Never a good sign, right? I found them in the bathroom and Sierra had "done" Bodie's hair "all fancy, mama!". I use the term "done" very loosely because truly the poor kid looked like a drowned rat. She had dumped half a bottle of detangler on his head and mixed in a healthy amount of pomade and then combed it all to the side. It was SO gross and greasy. In the midst of my frustration at how on earth we were going to get him cleaned up, I couldn't help but remember back to when he was born and the hospital wouldn't let Sierra in to see him (hospital policy during cold and flu season) and how I just dreamt of the day where they could be together and play. And lo and behold, it turns out yesterday was the 2-year anniversary of the first time the kiddos met (Bodie, meet Sierra...Sierra, meet Bodie). Yep, I'm going to guess God was nudging me a bit, a little reminder to be grateful for my kiddos playing together, greasy sticky hair and all. :-)


  1. okay, so i just caught up on your sweet precious blog. amy, i wish i could know you better. you are an incredible mommy, and you have been blessed with such an incredible family. as if i have to tell you that, right?! I also just bawled my eyes out watching your gift to bodie-his 2 year old video. WOW. speechless. what a miracle. what a fighter. i love him!!!!
    thank you for s haring your heart and life on your blog...
    heather joseph
