Friday, June 14, 2024

Update #5

I just met with the surgeon, who wanted to let us know that this heart already seems to be a great fit for Bodie! hemodynamically, things look really good. There are a lot of unknowns in terms of rejection and how his body will ultimately adjust (the next few weeks will be very critical in that regard), bur for now, the surgeon said if was giving grades, he'd give this heart an A! 

Bodie is still doing really well. They are just working on controlling the bleeding, which apparently wasn't too bad considering he came in so anticoagulated. 

Once that's done, then they'll remove his pacemaker (it's in his abdomen) since HE WON'T NEED THAT ANYMORE! And then they'll get him all closed up and he should be back in the ICU in a couple of hours. 

We are speechless with the speed at which God orchestrated all of this! And currently very, very tired (I think I slept maybe a total of 2 hours last night). But so, so grateful. 

Please continue to pray as they finish the surgical process and we move into the tumultuous post operative period! Photobucket


  1. Thank you Lord, we glorify You in this moment! Go Bodie!! Sayonara Pacemaker ✌🏻-MB

  2. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! What news! We will continue in prayer. Love, Erin Fuller

  3. Praise the Lord! Rejoicing with you this morning. Asking the Lord to allow you all some sweet rest before this next phase begins in earnest. ❤️

  4. Wow!!! Incredible news!

  5. The Naki family is sending love & prayers non stop.Bodie might want that pacemaker as a souvenir!

  6. Bodie has a new heart!!! Praise Jesus! Prayers continue. Anna Seekins

  7. This is incredible news. Praying for this heart warrior!

  8. That’s great news, I know that everyone’s prayers including mine will keep working to make everything go smoothly, and again, whatever happens is Gods will. Chris khasho

  9. That is amazing news!!! God bless!

  10. Your family has truly been blessed

  11. Wonderful news!!! Continued prayers for Bodie’s new heart!!

  12. The Hill family is praying for Bodie!

  13. Dear Jesus, The Chief Physician ,all knowing ,all powerful, make a miracle. Psalm 34:8 Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, Blessed is the man who trusts in Him Amen

  14. Almighty, gracious, loving God, we thank you!
