Today, the kiddos and I trekked down to Irvine (if you know me, you know "trek" is the operative term, since I detest driving anywhere that takes more than 10 minutes!) for the annual California Heart Connection picnic. I am SO glad we did - we had SO MUCH FUN!!!
If you are a heart parent and haven't found something like this locally to you, you should definitely ask your hospital! Chances like this to meet other heart kids (and ADULTS!) and families are truly priceless! The kids and I walked away invigorated, inspired...and exhausted!!!
And let me just say, BODIE IS CRAZY. I lost him more than once because I stopped to talk to someone and he ran away from me. One time, I found him in the next picnic over jumping in their bounce house. True story. Gee I'm super excited this kid will have MORE energy post-Fontan.
Bodie and his buddy Lorelei.
And just in case you were wondering, YES, this was the best picture we could get. I mean, look at what we got last year.
At least Bodie wasn't picking his nose this year. Progress, peeps.
I LOVE this pic.
Bodie, his buddy Tyler (who I've mentioned on the blog before - he's up for his Fontan at CHLA 7/16) and Tyler's buddy, Tanner. Just a bunch of 3 year olds doing their little boy thing, giggling and loving life. A bunch of open-heart surgeries between them. No big whoop. They're just kids. LOVE their resilience.
The kids had SO MUCH FUN. I swear, this event gets more fun every year!
I'm also thinking maybe I need to get more creative with Bodie's wardrobe for the event.
I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed that Bodie has wearing the exact same shirt 2 years in a row to the picnic. Not the same shirt in a bigger size. The same exact shirt.
But then again...so was Sierra.
So I'm gonna go with proud. Because that's just too much embarrassment for one mama.
I want to go to this, I'd never heard of it. I will have to research this and go next year!