Monday, April 26, 2010

Bodie is back!

We just saw him for a second, but we hear he's doing GREAT! They gave him a new shunt, took down the old shunt and put in a pacemaker. He did NOT need to go on bypass and his chest is closed! Praise praise praise God!!! Surgeon says pacemaker and shunt appear to be working well for him - he's now off the Nitric and on less meds than he was on going into surgery! I'm sure the next 24 hours or so will be dicey as Bodie tends to not respond too well after procedures, so please keep praying! Thank you so much for your prayers - they got Bodie through this morning with flying colors!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Debbie and Lilly CatesApril 26, 2010 at 11:45 AM

    Awesome! God is so very good! We will be praying for a speedy post surgery recovery.

    God is so amazing.

  2. Praise God! Praying for MORE GREAT news!!!

  3. Praise God! Praying for Bodie and your family. Love you! -NaNa

  4. That is wonderful news Amy, will continue to pray!!!

  5. Praise the Lord! I can't wait to see his sweet face!

  6. Let all that has breath -- PRAISE THE LORD!!!!
    Celebrating with songs of joy to our God.

  7. Thank you, Jesus !!!
    ...We've been praying, praying, praying !

  8. Hurrah! Another victory! Always praying for the little man & his family.

  9. My sweet Bodie! I am so proud of you! You are a true trooper! Keep getting strong, my peanut. There are so many people praying for you around the globe. You are a miracle already. May God continue to bless you my sweet. Big Hugs, Nairi. THANK YOU LORD FOR ANSWERED PRAYER.

  10. Thank You, thank You, Lord!

  11. I feel better than ever about Bodie! That won't stop my prayers, but what an amazing miracle boy he is! Thank you, God for listening to our prayers! Love you all heaps.
