Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Sierra!

The big present - her own "cell phone" (that somehow she's already managed to lose 2 hours after the party)

Sierra and her really good friend Isabella
The only thing better than one Cookie Monster cake is two (thank you teacher JuJu!!!)
My sweet big girl turned 3 today - I can hardly believe how fast the time has flown! My heart breaks a little for her that we can't give her a normal birthday, but we did the best we could. Since Bodie has been stable, we stayed away from the hospital all day today and just focused on Sierra. Big shout-outs to our friends Nairi and Michael, who sat with Bodie at the hospital today so that we could feel a bit more comfortable being at home!
We had planned to do a very small party for Sierra, with only 3 friends that she plays with every day at school anyway, since we didn't want to expose Bodie to any new germs. By the time we realized there was no way Bodie was going to home on Saturday, we just didn't have our act together enough to invite anyone else. So it ended up staying small - and it was really nice. Sierra had SO much fun with her little friends!
And in Bodie news, he's still looking good! Nice and stable! They tried to start his breastmilk feeds last night (he had been on TPN (an iv nutrition) and pedialite), but he didn't take to it very well, so they stopped his feeds late last night (he hasn't had an issue with feed intolerance in the past, but he's had a lot going on in the past few days, so we're hoping that's all it is). They put him on Reglan (a drug to help move food through the gut basically) and are going to try the breastmilk feeds again tonight. Hopefully, he'll tolerate it a bit better tonight. Other than that, all is the same. He's on a bit of nitric oxide (they had weaned him off of it yesterday, but then he started desatting a couple of hours later, so they put him back on - it's actually not the worst thing in the world since it tells us that his issues are not solely heart-rate related, so answers the question of whether he can get by with just a pacemaker or truly needs the new shunt - looks like he does in fact need the shunt).

Prayer requests for the next 36 hours or so:
1. Pray that Bodie tolerates his breastmilk so that he can continue to get some calories and stimulate his gut until surgery (he will be off of it for a few days after surgery, so it'd be nice to get some in now).
2. Pray that Bodie continues to remain stable and his sats stay nice and high and well within his range.

Amy :-)


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Sierra!!! You look absolutely beautiful in your pictures. We have a little present for you... you'll get it soon... :o)

    Dear Amy and Dusk. Bodie is on top of our prayer list. We pray for him day and night. We really love baby Bodie. God Bless him, and may he sleep with angels tonight... safe and sound, free from harm. In Jesus name.

    With much love,

    Nairi and Michael

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIERRA!!!! She is such cutie-patutie! Three is a great age!
    Glad Bodie is looking up! We'll be praying about the feeds and that things go well on Monday. Love, Erin

  3. happy birthday to big girl sierra! hard to believe she's 3 already. i haven't seen her since she was a baby! glad you could give her a fun day today. and you and bodie continue to be in our thoughts and hearts!

  4. Happy Birthday to my dear Sierra. I remember so many precious times of prayer while she was still in your womb Amy. I can't believe she is already three years old. But He knew and many of those prayer were just for this year and many for her future. I can testify that she is loved, loved, loved by our Father above.

  5. hey amy - bodie (and all of you, including big girl sierra) are in our hearts and prayers. and ps. that little girl is so totally yours. :)

  6. Happy Birthday Sierra!! She looks so happy! She probably had a great time on her birthday, she really doesn't know any better at this age. I think it bothers us more than them. Keep your head up...many more birthdays to come!
    I am glad to hear that Bodie is stable. We continue to pray for him and for you guys.

  7. Patty (Fischer) VerdeApril 25, 2010 at 6:58 PM

    Thinking of you all Amy. Stay strong tomorrow- I will be saying prayers for little Bodie and you all day... I hope his surgery goes smoothly, and his little body takes well to the BT shunt and pacer. He is so precious.

    Love love love the pics of Sierra, what a beautiful little girl (or big girl I should say :))
