With all of the things a heart mom deals with that are completely and totally out of her control, I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate one of the few things that is within my control, my ability to provide for my little guy. (Ok, with the help of a thickening agent and fortifier, but provide for him nonetheless.) It hasn't been easy - exclusively pumping is SO much harder than part-time pumping. There are many days that I literally say I'm going to pump today and then we'll see if I'm going to pump again tomorrow. But here I am, almost 7 months later, still chugging along. And I'm really proud of that. (And especially grateful since little man has decided he has a bone to pick with anything resembling formula!)
Speaking of the little man, please keep him in your prayers tomorrow. We have his 6 month well check with his pediatrician and his vaccinations, which are always worrisome. But it's really important that he get them done and out of the way before surgery. So he has to get them. :-( Please pray that all goes well and he doesn't have any adverse reactions!
You should buy stock in Lansinoh. That's a lot of bags you got there! VERY IMPRESSIVE. Pumping is hard and a lot of work. Wow! Praying for great results tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteOf course we will pray for my bodie's vaccines for tomorrow... God BLESS YOU Amy for all that pumping! WOW! You should be proud! Love you guys and keep us posted as to how Bodie does after his shots. LOVE: nairi
ReplyDeleteI think that looks just as impressive as it sounds!! Kudos to you for all the hard work. You should be very proud. Good luck at your appointment- shots are no fun. :(
ReplyDeleteI have a similar picture of the deep freeze in our garage of my stock pile for Hayden! She was like Bodie too and didn't want formula. She nursed during the day and had a feeding tube at night and never took a bottle. These kids like to call their own shots. Praying for Bodie always!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Amy. Great job, mama. As one who is intimately familiar with my pump, I'm proud of you for your stick-to-ed-ness. There is something about the organization that brings me delight. Thank you for sharing, and keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteLove it! I'm well on my way to having my own stockpile! our deep freeze is quickly filling up and I'm oh so proud!!! :o) Keep up the hard work mama!
ReplyDeleteI loved everything about this post, including the perseverance, pumping, honesty, extra freezer, ziplock bags, labeling and OCD organization. Well. Almost everything. Didn't like the shots part. Poor Baby B :(
ReplyDeleteI am so IMPRESSED that you can provide for Bodie for 2 months... That is an amazing stock pile. And Pumping is so much harder. And I still do it as well. That way Liam always has something to eat even if I'm not around. But I have to agree with you... I defiantly have had the thoughts of when can this be my last day of pumping but Its the best for them. We'll keep bodie in our prayers. Kisses n hugs Liam's Mom... :)
ReplyDeleteThat is impressive!!! I am glad you can do all that you can to help give Bodie the absolute best :) I exclusively pumped with Kait and nursed LJ and I can tell you that pumping was much harder! KUDOS!
ReplyDeletegood for you amy! i know the "liquid gold" (god's perfect food) has probably done so much to help little bodie in his fight to stay healthy. you should be an inspiration to mom's everywhere. (for the pumping and a million other reasons!)
ReplyDelete-katy barnes
Way to go Amy! You should be soo proud of this. Pumping is so hard, especially with all that you have going on, so this is truly impressive!
ReplyDeleteWow. That's all I can manage to say. But... from someone who has been so tired/frustrated/distressed over just run-of-the-mill breastfeeding/pumping that I may have thrown one of said breast shields across the room at one point, I give you two thumbs up!
ReplyDeleteKudos to you! I exclusively pumped for my daughter with HLHS for 4.5 months; after her Glenn she came home on the breast! Have you considered becoming a donor mother? I did, and it is very easy; they pay for all blood work, containers, coolers, shipping, etc. And if you do not have a local milk bank, "shipping donors" need only 200 ounces for a donation. So.... if you have any milk that is nearing th 6 month expiration mark you should give it a try. www.hmbana.org